Changed household guard's actions to be permenant until otherwise issued. Added maintenance event where non-maesters at the citadel are ejected to a family member's court. Stopped wildlings from asking to "join the watch" and increased the chance of a male banished to the wall joining the watch as opposed to being culled. Dornish can't employ concubines anymore.

Allowed people to take the black at 14.

Added a 'Small Council Advisor' honourary title. In the post mega war king punishments, added special options for the Most Devout and Kingsguard, so they cannot be revoked. Added a CB to reclaim your House's ancestral sword. Cost can be increased when great ranging cb works with a transfer wealth. Added a decision based building process so the wall can have it's "19 Forts" without towns/temples. Added KG drama chance to trusting the king. Added an event chain dealing witht the Tyrell-Lannister alliance in ACoK. The Freys will now be pissed if you break your solemn marriage vows as Robb.

Added an event informing all realm lords if the Iron Throne changes hands bloodlessly via the 'Gain the Iron Throne' plot. Non-imprisoned Lords can now rebel against or flee from the King's punishments after a mega war. Added an Ironborn reaving event chain, accessible via decision (not too many events atm, but plenty of scope for more). The council office ambitions for all offices except Maester have been scrapped and replaced with plots against the current office holder, allowing for a more proactive approach.